Saturday, February 27, 2016

Book Thief and Maus

The Book Thief and Maus are two very different stories. Although they are both Holocaust stories, they do have some major differences. The Book Thief is told through the eyes of a girl, who must deal with living in Nazi Germany, while her foster parents hide a Jewish man in their basement. In Maus, a man must protect his family while Germany invades Poland and it gets harder to live his normal life. In both stories, family is important. The girl named Liesil, in the Book Thief, lives with her foster parents as the war seems to be growing worse around her. Whereas, in Maus the main character has a wife and son that he must protect throughout the war.

        The author of the Book Thief is Markus Zusak; he has won many awards for his writing. After the book thief was released in 2005 in remained on the New York Times bestseller list for 375 weeks. The Book Thief can really blow you away it keeps you on the edge of your seat constantly. You will always be wondering how Liesel Meminger makes the best out of her life as it seems to fall apart around her. In this book you get to see the story of the holocaust from a different point of view than normally found, it story is told with a young girl who is German and does not believe in the ways of Nazi Germany.

       Art Spiegelman is the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning books Maus and Maus II. In Maus you can see the story of the Holocaust written as a graphic novel. In the book it shows you the Jewish Poles as mice and all of the Germans as cats. It is the true story of Art Spiegelman's father and mother surviving in Poland during the rise of Nazi Germany, and through the struggle they took when they were in Auschwitz. In the novel you see Spiegelman going to visit his father and listening to his memories and seeing them in comic form. Both of the Maus books are amazing and definitely worth reading. It is interesting to read about the Holocaust though a graphic novel. This is one of my personal favorite books and I highly recommend reading it.

    In Book Thief and Maus each main character plays a different part in their families. In Maus, Valdek is a father and must not only protect himself but also keep his wife and his son in safe shelters during the war were they will not get found by the Nazis. Even when he and his wife are separated in Auschwitz, he takes jobs as a worker that can get himself closer to seeing his wife and passing her any food that he has found. In the book thief the main character Liesel lives while her family dies, then she goes to live with new foster parents. Different from Valdek in Maus, Liesl lives as a German and must trust her parents during the war and the danger she is put in when they invite a Jewish man to live in their basement.

    Both stories have illustrations in them. In each book the illustrations are very different, Book Thief shows the pages of the books that Max writes for Liesel. These books are about Liesel or Max and they include words to narrate the drawings that Max had made. The way Max made pages was to take the pages of Mein Kampf, a book written by Hitler and paint them white, then write on top of them with a pen or pencil of some kind. Maus also includes illustrations because it is a graphic novel. It is the complete story of Valdek Spiegelman during the Holocaust. This includes some illustrations of what his life is like for Valdek during the time that his son Art Spiegelman (the author) is writing Maus. This includes Valdek explaining every detail of his life during World War II to his son. Art Spiegelman illustrates the Jews as mice and the Nazis as cats in his story. Symbolism is used in both stories, when Max painted over Mein Kampf it symbolized changing Hitler's words and using them as a new book and a gift for Liesel. It is also symbolic the way that Art Spiegelman chose to show the relationship between predator and prey when showing cats attacking mice. Both books use visual art and symbolism to explain their stories but in two very different ways.

    Each story involves different characters living in different places, during the same war. In The Book Thief, Liesel is living in Germany, and in Maus, Valdek Spiegelman is living in Poland, as all of his neighbors and his family are being forced to move into ghettos and eventually into Auschwitz. Liesel lives as a German girl, in a town with many, who follow the ways of Hitler. However, she lives with the secret of hiding a Jewish man in her basement. This is unlike Maus, where Valdek Lives in Poland, a country that was invaded by Germany and must deal with keeping his family safe.  Although in both books each main character lives in a different country and play a different part in the Holocaust, they both have to deal with equally great troubles in such awful time of war.

I have had a amazing time reading both of these great books. Each book gives you a different way of looking at the same period in time. I found it interesting to read about the Holocaust from the view of a kid in Nazi Germany and then seeing it through the eyes of someone who lived through the death camps themselves. Through reading these books I was able to do something I don't normally do which is to compare two different books that both are about the same event in time. Both books are definitely worth reading. I found that I was unable to put these books down, and if you have not read these books before then I suggest you do now.