Friday, April 15, 2016

Just yesterday I was with my wilderness skills group, a group specifically for home schooled kids when some of us decided to take a couple minutes to look under rotting logs for salamanders. It was our lucky day because we found some of the most colorful and rare salamanders that live in Connecticut. After first finding some of the northern red backed salamanders we did a little more searching and uncovered the spotted salamander. The spotted salamander is about four inches long and has bright yellow spots to contrast is dark brown body. We kept searching and latter found a blue spotted salamander, it is short and has tiny blue spots all over its body. The week before this I found a young red spotted newt, it's bright orange body really shows against the dark colors of the leaves and dirt. I had a awesome time finding some of the local salamanders and I cant wait for the next chance I get.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Recently I been designing a house as a home schooling project. Thanks to the help of my parents who are both architects I have drawn up a floor plan and I have recently finished drawing the house in elevation. There have been some challenges along the way, but it has been a really interesting experience. Managing to fit the rooms into the house and adjusting them can be difficult. By making one room a little bit bigger, or smaller, you then must adjust any room or part of the house next to it. It can feel like putting together a puzzle sometimes but in the end I found that I was very pleased with the outcome. After drawing my house in elevation my father helped me to change my plans to look like a modern international style house. This was the truly inspiring moment for me, I was able to adjust my house to look like my favorite style of architecture. Soon I will be learning how to draw my house on a computer using a program called sketch-up. It has been a really exiting learning experience for me.  
Here is some more music from one of my bands latest concerts.